Thursday, April 14, 2011


African American had to face many difficulties to have their freedom and equality in a society that hated them,mistreated them and  assassinated any other people who were white because they thought white was the supreme race.This situation was a bit similar to th German Nazi army who discriminated all other races like Jews and killed them .African Americans due their freedom to Civil Rights leader like Martin Luther,Rosa Parks who fought to have their rights ,some willed to loose their lives for equality and for their people to be treated as whites.

African Americans were excluded in The Constitution because during the early 1800's they were not allowed to vote and their rights were taken from them , in the the first Amendment  freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of press is said for anyone to have the right to say or practice the religion they want .For African Americans freedom of speech was a big issue ,for being different in color and race they could have freedom of speech. They were murdered and assassinated for speaking up . This Amendment led to huge controversies when Civil Rights leader began to protest and march against the injustice that was shown to them.African Americans were brought to the US as slaves and where bought to serve as slaves ,they were mistreated and forced to labor ,the President was against slavery and the Amendment 13 Established  the abolishment of slavery from the US and all the places that fall under its jurisdiction as we know it was not quiclky put to an end since it lasted for a few years more.

African Americans were separated from the whites and had to assist other school,churches and hospitals just for their color. The Amendment 14 Broadly defines the parameters of the US citizenship, prohibits the states from reducing or diminishing the privileges of citizens and emphasizes their 'right to due process and the equal protection of the law .During the Dred Scott decision this man was denied for being an African American was not a citizen and could not have  a jury for accusing or having a process in court.Amendment 15: The citizens' right to vote shall not be denied by the states or the federal government on the basis of race, color or previous status of servitude. Blacks were excluded from voting during the 1800s and when the Congress decided to propose the Civil Rights Act of 1870  many blacks who tried to vote were followed lynched and murdered  a law was then created to protect them from being killed.



Overturned the Plessy case by declaring that segregated facilities were inherently unequal, and ordered the integration of the nation's public schools. 


Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in the front of a Montgomery, Alabama, public bus for a white rider, leading African-Americans to boycott public bussing.


After schools in Little Rock, Arkansas, refused to admit African-Americans to all-white schools, President Eisenhower authorized the U.S. Army to escort and protect African-American students.


Governor George C. Wallace refused to allow African-American students to register for classes at the all-white University of Alabama. President Kennedy authorized the use of the National Guard to enforce educational integration.


Martin Luther King and his SCLC organized a massive demonstration in Washington, D.C., where he delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.

For more information from this excerpt visit

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