Monday, April 18, 2011

Jenny- Her proposal explains the idea that teenagers should get the right to vote and how we teenageers can teenagers start receiving responsabilitites in their lives like voting for the presidents.

Carolina -her amendment proposal states for all Native Americans to be free and have an education which is reasonable because they were the first people in the United States.

Gabriela-Her proposal is very good she gives priority to the elderly and the allowance that is going to be given for those elderlys who are in the need of money and attention.

Randy-In his blog he stated the point of veterans ,having benefits for serving the country and thanks to then the US its what it is today.This is being very considerate for the people who risked their lives for a better future.

Paola - She explained  her proposal with examples  of women who had fought to be equal and not be tretaed unfairly because of their gender.Also she encourages others to fight ror what they know is right .

She gives immigrant a fair and kegal way to get their citizenship and to be part of the United States and at least giving them a chance to prove they come hear to the US to do the right thing!

 She states the freedom and treatment that should be given to LGBT must be the same as a normal marriage between man and woman and for them to walk around without being talked about.

Nestor-This is a very good proposal ,he wants to prove the point that people who have some type of dissabilities should be treated equally  and not because of their problems not be treated as the other normal people because they also have abilities.


I agree with her proposal of not releasing a prisioner for their good behavior because they are released and maybe doing same thing again.

Her proposal is a very efficient and important one because students should have the right to be given scholarships to study and get educations

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