Thursday, February 17, 2011

Border Wars Article!

America's Third War: Arizona Border Patrol Curbing Crime With Technology

In spite of radar, helicopters and infared cameras, the fight to protect the U.S. border often comes down to a simple footrace.

U.S. Border Patrol Agent Eric Cantu has learned to take away the shoes of those he catches before going after more. He says the situation on the border has gotten better, citing a drop in apprehensions from 600,000 illegal aliens to 200,000 over the past ten years.

"We are the experts," he says. "We are the ones who are out here every day, not just talking about it. Things are definitely getting better. Our technology is a force multiplier."

That assertion draws laughter in suburban Saddlebrook, Arizona.

Is the border more secure?" Sheriff Paul Babeu asks a gathering of a several hundred at a town-hall style meeting, as he walks the aisle with a microphone. The response is laughter, then angry shouts of "No."

A slide show of rapes and murders committed in Pinal County by illegal aliens stokes the local anger even further.

"We had a rancher that couldn't go out on his own ranch. And his dog, they shot him and his dog on his own ranch on his own property, and no one knows who did it and they aren't catching these people," says Lynn St. Angelo.

Her sentiments are echoed by several members of the audience. There is a real sense here that the Federal Government is failing to protect those that live along the border, despite recent assurances from the head of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano that the security situation has improved.

Back out in the Arizona desert there are no microphones, no applause, just silence all around as Agent Cantu and a second agent crouch behind shrubs, like hunters in a blind. In the distance can be made out more of what some agents refer to as "bodies," illegal aliens, this time a group of twenty.

The agents are told to stay put. The path of the illegals is being tracked by another agent on a distant hilltop in a mobile surveillance vehicle. The group of twenty is walking directly towards the crouched agents. Cantu has turned his Border Patrol hat backwards. The yellow emblem on the hat reflects the sun and can give away the agent's position.

They wait...then spring. For the next twenty minutes young men and women scatter in different directions as the agents try to chase them down.

This round 18 of 30 are seized.

"I learned a long time ago a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. So you take what you can," says Agent Cantu.

One wave is packed off for processing in the back of a small truck. Another group is already visible, moving along the horizon. The work never stops.

As the sun prepares to set behind mountains, another shift of agents comes in for duty. Cantu's green Border Patrol uniform is covered with dust. In the last encounter he ran down four illegal aliens by himself. He is breathing heavy and rolls down the window of his Suburban to spit. He will be back at it again tomorrow. Even with technology, against overwhelming numbers there is only so much one man can do.

Back out in the Arizona desert there are no microphones, no applause, just silence all around as Agent Cantu and a second agent crouch behind shrubs, like hunters in a blind. In the distance can be made out more of what some agents refer to as "bodies," illegal aliens, this time a group of twenty.

The agents are told to stay put. The path of the illegals is being tracked by another agent on a distant hilltop in a mobile surveillance vehicle. The group of twenty is walking directly towards the crouched agents. Cantu has turned his Border Patrol hat backwards. The yellow emblem on the hat reflects the sun and can give away the agent's position.

They wait...then spring. For the next twenty minutes young men and women scatter in different directions as the agents try to chase them down.

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I posted this video related to this article : America's Third War: Arizona Border Patrol Curbing Crime With Technology this is an issue that is affecting communities near this border and illegal immigrants trying to enter the United States territory. This video shows the constant wars border patrols have with this illegal immigrants. Its an important issue because some of this people are trying to have a better life for their families and just because they are Mexicans or Hispanics and are not citizens of the US there not allowed in.

The state of Arizona created a law for any illegal immigrant to be deported or prosecuted,this law created lots of battle, people were very mad at it since we should all have equal rights and once in the United States you cant be deported. Illegal immigrants have different purposes some come a better life and many are introducing drugs to the USA and criminals and I understand that,but because some are criminals not all should be labeled as a threat to the country.Many come for a better life because in their country there living in inhumane conditions.The drug and criminality issues within immigrants someway affects my views about immigration because people that try to come for such purposes should be punished for their actions and not be allowed to be in the country but on the other hand  it makes me sad to try an realize how Hispanics and Mexicans that come for good are hunted like animals in their attempt to enter American territory ,and the days they have to pass in this land hiding with there families not knowing if they survive and not be seen by a patrol or a border neighbor.

The few that get to get to the US have to live in fear,and misery because they cant afford to get a good home and no jobs are provided to them , they have to find a way to get money.They leave their families not knowing if they'll see each other again those are a few sacrifices of many   immigrants have to go through. The people that have American citizenship don't realize the problems this people face because we didn't experience what they go through but we have to think about them and go through that to see thats not the treatment any person should go through 

In my opinion I think this issue most be resolved and immigrants that come with the purpose of having a better life should be allowed to enjoy of the benefits and privileges we have in the US. I would want to see the day when other citizens or immigrants that don't have the resources or the power to come legally and are rejected to have freedom to come to the US and leave without fear and to enter and leave whenever they want to.

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