Thursday, February 17, 2011

My heritage...

My family has a mixture of different ancestry my dads family descends from Spain my fathers  great grandfather came from Spain to Puerto Rico and started a family here.From my mom she says my grandpa told her that his family descendant had Ireland descendants who migrated to Puerto Rico and then married with Puerto Ricans who are also descendant from Spain  but they don't know much of it.
My mother went to California to learn English in some college but she came back to Puerto Rico because since she was not a US resident  they charged her way more than people who lived there so since she was Latin she was inferior to others ,she finished in a year what she wanted to know and came back .

My moms experience makes me sad because she suffered indirect racism because she was Latin.She had to receive a limited education ,people in her community would treat her different because she spoke limited English with marked accent but she finally learned what she wanted to learn in California and had to return back to Puerto Rico.Thanks to her many students in Puerto Rico learned an efficient English.

1 comment:

  1. This story about your mom makes me sad too, I wish that she had had a positive experience and that people had been welcoming to her. This is what I wish would happen: that people would WELCOME visitors from other places because we all have so much we can learn from each other about cultures, experiences, language, food, etc.
