Thursday, March 24, 2011

During the mid 1800’s Indians predominated in most of the Dakota land. These Indians where the first settlers and owned almost entirely the land. Many conflicts arose during time since the white settlers wanted to take over these lands from the Indians and make them change their ways like wearing same clothe, speak their language, and follow their traditions and many others.

The Indians faced many changes from their culture, they had their names changed to easier one and that white could understand to make their lives easier when pronouncing them. Indians were giving a book about Christian Names to choose want that they would like to be called .Most agreed because if they didn't choose one teachers in school wouldn't call on them .This was a forced situation since they had their real names and had to change them just to please the white, ones who didn't agree where punished until they've decided to choose one. In these schools they were taught things as the white viewed things and not the real story when discussing subjects the Indian students would argue about what was being taught.

The Dakota people had to also face other changes by traditions all Indians no matter the gender had long beautiful hairs and they used to decorate their heads with feathers that were likely to mean something now had to cut the long hair to be similar to whites. Indians had their traditional clothes and being assimilated to whites they were now forced to change their style to white clothing The Sioux used to live in huts they built. These Indians in their ground used to hunt for animals to feed them and their people. They now had to live in houses because of modernization inside the reservations they were put in. Some Indians were given jobs and carried riffles and had to follow white orders.

The government was sending people to convert Indians into Christianity and to speak their language English. Indians were introduced to Christianity and induced to practice it. The Native Indians had already a religion they worshiped and had traditions established. The Ghost Dance is an example of an issue brought to discussions since the white wanted to prohibit the Indians from doing it since they thought it was a way of revitalization of the Indian power .This dance was a way for Indians to react to the forced actions white were establishing to them and their land.

 The  Native Americans faced many struggles .When the Whites came to take their land once arrived to the lands they wanted to take control over everything they had laws to make Indians give up land ,change traditions and follow their ways to assimilate or become like them. This led to many conflicts that later on caused many wars leading to the death of innocent Indians. The Native Indians had to later give up after the wars and were left with these small reservations and now a day are almost extinct.

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