Friday, March 25, 2011

Essay Review's!

Kathy's essay had a lot of information of the Whites making Indian become like them it was very detailed and it provided backgroung information for a person who doesn't know about the events.

Paola- In her essay she described in detail the wounded knee massacre ,and how  the whites wanted to prohibit the Religious Ghost dance to the Native Americans .By using her point of view she explainde how Indians were brutally treated by the whites.

Carolina- she explained how hollywood projected Indians ,this was not true as she explained in these movies whites were always the winners and the good guys but in real life and as she explained ,many things were changed as it benefited them.She used many pictures and this might interest other people visiting her blog!:)

Jenny's essay provided useful and accurate information of the conflicts faced when dealing with the lands of the Indians and taking it as their land and thats was wrong because the Indians already lived there.

Randy - In his blog he described the conditions of  Indians in these reservations they were living in how they lost their land because of the whites ,good idea to put pictures for other readers to visualize what is being meant

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