Wednesday, April 6, 2011

African American History

The first Africans to arrive in America where brought in ships to the US during the 1600's ,they were brought as slaves .The African Americans that reached the US alive were sold to people who could afford them ,and put as slaves to work in plantations,as servants and obey its masters rule.The slave trade took place mainly in the South later on this became a very controversial idea when slaves received a inhumane treatment.

These events led to the US Civil War between North and South .In the southern states people supported slavery  and regulations and restrictions were put on the slaves known as the Black Codes restricted black people to be free,own land ,vote testify in court and others.On  the other hand in the North slavery was not a deal since slaves were moving referred as "Run Away" slaves,this slaves were looking forward to escape and reach states that were free ,they used underground railroads to reach these states.
President Lincoln created The Emancipation Proclamation that stated the freedom of all slaves as we know not all slaves were completely freed since later on they would have to deal with discrimination because of white supremacy.African American were victims because there rights were being violated because they where not treated equally.

African Americans make up a 12.33% of the United States Population around 37,131,771 black African Americans live in the US .Although equality was given to black people ,today racism still exist an example of perseverance is President Obama who is the first colored president in the US history.African Americans are a strong race in the US and are not victims of violent discrimination because of the laws made earlier in time to benefit them.

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