Monday, April 18, 2011

Jenny- Her proposal explains the idea that teenagers should get the right to vote and how we teenageers can teenagers start receiving responsabilitites in their lives like voting for the presidents.

Carolina -her amendment proposal states for all Native Americans to be free and have an education which is reasonable because they were the first people in the United States.

Gabriela-Her proposal is very good she gives priority to the elderly and the allowance that is going to be given for those elderlys who are in the need of money and attention.

Randy-In his blog he stated the point of veterans ,having benefits for serving the country and thanks to then the US its what it is today.This is being very considerate for the people who risked their lives for a better future.

Paola - She explained  her proposal with examples  of women who had fought to be equal and not be tretaed unfairly because of their gender.Also she encourages others to fight ror what they know is right .

She gives immigrant a fair and kegal way to get their citizenship and to be part of the United States and at least giving them a chance to prove they come hear to the US to do the right thing!

 She states the freedom and treatment that should be given to LGBT must be the same as a normal marriage between man and woman and for them to walk around without being talked about.

Nestor-This is a very good proposal ,he wants to prove the point that people who have some type of dissabilities should be treated equally  and not because of their problems not be treated as the other normal people because they also have abilities.


I agree with her proposal of not releasing a prisioner for their good behavior because they are released and maybe doing same thing again.

Her proposal is a very efficient and important one because students should have the right to be given scholarships to study and get educations

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Amendment Proposal

This group the African Americans over time have waited for changes, they've struggled for equality and had seen some changes,but we the government need to work diligently and put effort  to end discrimination.New governors come and go but nothing is done to fix this situation causing  problems in society.Thats why I've  created this Amendment Proposal for  African Americans.

 The African Americans should have the right ,of going to court and complain about segregation in neighborhoods,and have the ability to buy where ever they want without being talked about.Thats because if you go around the states people will warn you of this places often called the ghettos which is a derogatory  term against African Americans. Segregation  still exist in the US ,but we don't often see it as of the 1800's  people because things had changed.I will also propose the idea that whites and black shop in the same stores and quit segregation and to make it a law for anyone promoting segregation to be processed in court.

We are all the same ,color doesn't make a difference we are all human beings who have feelings.Join me to succeed in proposing this amendment for it to be approved and have an environment of full equality because we are all brothers and sisters LETS MAKE A CHANGE!


 The African Americans have faced many problems due to their race and color. They have faced oppression and been  mistreated.In the United States ,African Americans were beginning to face the situation to end segregation because it was becoming a huge issue.They were often threaten by other groups,many lost their lives in hope for their people to have a better future.These people who put their efforts made radical changes in the US and ended the segregation and demonstrated that all people are created equal and should receive same treatment.

When we think about activism related to African Americans we think about Martin Luther King Jr famous speech "I have a dream"' this man was a civil rights leader motivated by the philosophy and techniques of Mohandas Gandhi  he led the African Americans  to a success in to ending segregation in the South and other states in the US mainly by non violent protest such as the Washington march and for his work to end segregation he was assassinated in a hotel balcony.Rosa Park a very famous women in African American struggle for equality when asked to give her seat to a white man she refused to do so and stayed their was arrested. These people were willing to  do anything to end segregation.A famous court case was Brown vs.Board of Education when a girl was denied an education for being black this  case led the Supreme Court to make public that segregation was unconstitutional and that it had to be  ended.This people led the government to realize the bad treatment that this African Americans where receiving ,step by step segregation was being removed hospitals ,ships ,restaurants ,dinners theaters were now accepting blacks.Violence was a main issue with African Americans they were murdered , hanged and beaten to death. One of the major success of African Americans was in 1957 African Americans now were allowed to vote.The government also created laws to protect the black American from people who wanted to hurt them.

The African Americans faced many difficulites to reach freedom and equality.Civil Rights leader such as Luther and Rosa Parks never gave up to reach equality they risked their lives and faced many critics from others,thanks to their effort and courage African Americans faced oppression and progressed .

Microsoft Encarta 2007 African Americans

Thursday, April 14, 2011


African American had to face many difficulties to have their freedom and equality in a society that hated them,mistreated them and  assassinated any other people who were white because they thought white was the supreme race.This situation was a bit similar to th German Nazi army who discriminated all other races like Jews and killed them .African Americans due their freedom to Civil Rights leader like Martin Luther,Rosa Parks who fought to have their rights ,some willed to loose their lives for equality and for their people to be treated as whites.

African Americans were excluded in The Constitution because during the early 1800's they were not allowed to vote and their rights were taken from them , in the the first Amendment  freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of press is said for anyone to have the right to say or practice the religion they want .For African Americans freedom of speech was a big issue ,for being different in color and race they could have freedom of speech. They were murdered and assassinated for speaking up . This Amendment led to huge controversies when Civil Rights leader began to protest and march against the injustice that was shown to them.African Americans were brought to the US as slaves and where bought to serve as slaves ,they were mistreated and forced to labor ,the President was against slavery and the Amendment 13 Established  the abolishment of slavery from the US and all the places that fall under its jurisdiction as we know it was not quiclky put to an end since it lasted for a few years more.

African Americans were separated from the whites and had to assist other school,churches and hospitals just for their color. The Amendment 14 Broadly defines the parameters of the US citizenship, prohibits the states from reducing or diminishing the privileges of citizens and emphasizes their 'right to due process and the equal protection of the law .During the Dred Scott decision this man was denied for being an African American was not a citizen and could not have  a jury for accusing or having a process in court.Amendment 15: The citizens' right to vote shall not be denied by the states or the federal government on the basis of race, color or previous status of servitude. Blacks were excluded from voting during the 1800s and when the Congress decided to propose the Civil Rights Act of 1870  many blacks who tried to vote were followed lynched and murdered  a law was then created to protect them from being killed.



Overturned the Plessy case by declaring that segregated facilities were inherently unequal, and ordered the integration of the nation's public schools. 


Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in the front of a Montgomery, Alabama, public bus for a white rider, leading African-Americans to boycott public bussing.


After schools in Little Rock, Arkansas, refused to admit African-Americans to all-white schools, President Eisenhower authorized the U.S. Army to escort and protect African-American students.


Governor George C. Wallace refused to allow African-American students to register for classes at the all-white University of Alabama. President Kennedy authorized the use of the National Guard to enforce educational integration.


Martin Luther King and his SCLC organized a massive demonstration in Washington, D.C., where he delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.

For more information from this excerpt visit

Friday, April 8, 2011


The African Americans have faced many oppression ,have been mistreated and faced discrimination since the early hundreds.African Americans have faced many discrimination for being colored many groups thought that white was the supreme race.In the 1800's  segregation was a big issue ,it existed  in a way that in buses,bathroom and schools black African Americans could not sit in the same place as white ,use white bathrooms and assist to same school this set of laws where known as Jim Crow.

In the US this discrimination led to various conflicts in courts for the end of segregation.The Bill of Rights stated that all people should be treated equally and the government was excluding them from these rights because they were treated inferiorly.Social groups were being created against all people who were different than whites such as the KKK this group led to the assassination of many black people, oppressed and strongly believed in white supremacy. The African Americans couldn't vote and those who tried to vote were followed and assassinated usually they were beaten and hunged.

African Americans have faced many oppression  during the time. They as a group have faced many issues ,due to discrimination of color and race.During the 1800's African Americans were mistreated they lived in a world where everything was segregated because white was taught as the supreme race.They had to attend different schools,use different bathrooms and were regretted service to dinners and entrance to the theaters .In my future posts I will explain how this African Americans struggled for equality !=)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

African American History

The first Africans to arrive in America where brought in ships to the US during the 1600's ,they were brought as slaves .The African Americans that reached the US alive were sold to people who could afford them ,and put as slaves to work in plantations,as servants and obey its masters rule.The slave trade took place mainly in the South later on this became a very controversial idea when slaves received a inhumane treatment.

These events led to the US Civil War between North and South .In the southern states people supported slavery  and regulations and restrictions were put on the slaves known as the Black Codes restricted black people to be free,own land ,vote testify in court and others.On  the other hand in the North slavery was not a deal since slaves were moving referred as "Run Away" slaves,this slaves were looking forward to escape and reach states that were free ,they used underground railroads to reach these states.
President Lincoln created The Emancipation Proclamation that stated the freedom of all slaves as we know not all slaves were completely freed since later on they would have to deal with discrimination because of white supremacy.African American were victims because there rights were being violated because they where not treated equally.

African Americans make up a 12.33% of the United States Population around 37,131,771 black African Americans live in the US .Although equality was given to black people ,today racism still exist an example of perseverance is President Obama who is the first colored president in the US history.African Americans are a strong race in the US and are not victims of violent discrimination because of the laws made earlier in time to benefit them.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Essay Review's!

Kathy's essay had a lot of information of the Whites making Indian become like them it was very detailed and it provided backgroung information for a person who doesn't know about the events.

Paola- In her essay she described in detail the wounded knee massacre ,and how  the whites wanted to prohibit the Religious Ghost dance to the Native Americans .By using her point of view she explainde how Indians were brutally treated by the whites.

Carolina- she explained how hollywood projected Indians ,this was not true as she explained in these movies whites were always the winners and the good guys but in real life and as she explained ,many things were changed as it benefited them.She used many pictures and this might interest other people visiting her blog!:)

Jenny's essay provided useful and accurate information of the conflicts faced when dealing with the lands of the Indians and taking it as their land and thats was wrong because the Indians already lived there.

Randy - In his blog he described the conditions of  Indians in these reservations they were living in how they lost their land because of the whites ,good idea to put pictures for other readers to visualize what is being meant